During a recent winter ski trip, the family set up an ad-hoc office around the kitchen table of their Colorado home& a mishmash of dueling laptops, iPhones, and iPads. 最近一次冬季滑雪之旅期间,一家人在科罗拉多州住宅的餐桌周围搭建起了一个临时办公室,其实就是一堆杂乱无章的笔记本电脑、iPhone手机和iPad。
When he and his family finally set their feet on the ground, he found out that everyone was fine. 当田先生一家最终踏到地面上时,他发现家里人都平安无恙。
The family has set up camp in my brothers house. 全家人都住到我弟的屋子里了。
The family is set to lose its chairmanship of the board under these circumstances, to be replaced by an independent figure. 在此情形下,董事会主席职务也不再由标致家族的人担任。该职位将由独立人士担任。
Knowing that certain family rules are set in stone will help her feel more secure. 知道某个家庭准则像刻在石头上一样坚定不变时,可以让孩子感到更安全。
Einstein's family set off for the States in1933. 爱因斯坦一家在1933年动身去美国。
Garages dream career start, the family set up 车房的梦想职业生涯的开始,成立了家庭
"The first big deal is to get the family situated and set and get the babies into the operating room," Newman said. “头等大事就是安顿好其家人并将婴儿带入手术室”,纽曼说。
In 2006, Hong Kong also made tax changes to encourage family offices to set up in the territory, she says. 她说:2006年,香港也对税收制度作了修改,以鼓励家族理财室来港开设。
Because fight affray, participate in illegal activity and send the ill, medical treatment charge that be sent or violates family planning to set place happening not to grant allowance. 因打架斗殴、参与违法活动而致病、致伤或违反计划生育规定所发生的医疗费用不予补贴。
Typically Chinese family firms are set up by husbands and wives, she says, unlike the US, where only 13.9 per cent of partnerships are between married couples. 她说在中国,家族企业一般都是夫妻店,不像美国只有13.9%是夫妻共同创建的。
His family set up a new home amidst the tents and shelters that accommodate thousands of other Somali refugees in the area. 亚丁的家人在该地区的帐篷和庇护所中建立了一个新家。那里还住着数千名索马里难民。
A pond with a good supply of willow, poplar, and birch trees, is the perfect spot for a beaver family to set up its home. 一个有大量柳树、白杨和白桦树的水塘,是河狸家族的理想的安家之地。
Several years later, my family set up a telephone set, It became easier for us to communicate, but we cost more money by calling each other. 几年以后,我们家装了电话,这样我们交流起来就方便多了,可费用也升上去了。
The family set up a tent at the camp. 这家人在营地搭起了帐篷。
They have called on celebrities and members of the Royal Family to 'set a good example' by choosing not to wear animal pelts. 保护分子们呼吁,作为皇室成员理应在公众中“树立一个好的典范”,而穿衣仪态又是其中一个重要的方面,不良的穿衣习惯会给公众释放不良的信号,最终殃及他人。
H: And his Cubism led to a dramatic revolution in art. He put right family names, set up marriage mode, started the marriage system in line with go between and advocated family revolution of ethnics. (而且他的立体主义风格导致了一场艺术上引人注目的革命。)是他正姓氏、制嫁娶,创立了媒聘婚姻制,进行了一场家庭伦理革命;
This family set up fire and grill marshmallow for kids. 这个家庭点起了火,给孩子们烤棉花糖吃。
Gene family& A set of genes containing related exons, indicating that the genes have evolved from an ancestral gene by duplication and subsequent divergence. 同一物种中结构与功能相似,进化起源上密切相关的一组基因(包含相关的外显子)。
So, the civilian-run enterprise needs to keep one's own competition advantage, improve the adaptability to changes and carry on system innovation, fade out family management, set up modern enterprises progressively, structure the new management mode. 因此,民营企业需保持自身的竞争优势,提高应变能力,要进行制度创新,逐步淡出家族化管理,建立现代企业,构建新的管理模式。
At the same time, women gained wider influence on the family affairs and won the respect of the family members and set up their status in the new families or clans. 妇女在支配嫁妆的同时,逐步加大其对家庭事务的影响,赢得家庭和家族成员的尊重,确立起她们在新家庭或新家族中的地位。
Perfect the family manage, set up modern enterprise system; 完善家族经营,建立现代企业制度;
So the science of psychology should be focused on researching their mental status in order to help them build up scientific family theories and set up healthy mental families, exerting supportive function in the construction of socialist new countryside. 心理科学应研究他们的心理健康状况,帮助他们树立科学的家庭理念,建立健康的心灵家园,使心理科学在社会主义新农村建设中发挥出支持作用。
Regional distributing disparities of Chinese human capital continue the trend of extension in the past 20 years, which puts forward challenges to avoid regional economic gap, overall construct middle-class family society and set up socialism new country. 我国人力资本分布的区际差异在过去20年中呈现持续扩大的趋势,这对我国消除区域经济差距、全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义新农村提出了挑战。
The concept of common part library and the roots of similar part family are set forth and retrieval system is developed. 提出了常用零件图库及相似零件族根的概念,开发了检索系统。
If the family procedure set up a specialized and professional family court judges, not only greatly shunt grass-roots court trial pressure, but also promote the family conflicts are scientific, reasonable solution. 若在家事诉讼程序中设置专门法院和专业化地家事审判人员,不仅能大大分流基层法院的审判压力,还能促进家庭矛盾得到科学、合理地解决。
A lot of family drama character set, the story is a high degree of similarity, product placement flooding, a serious impact on the aesthetic needs of the audience. 许多家庭剧人物设置、故事情节高度雷同,植入广告泛滥,严重影响了观众的审美需求。
Parents should set up a harmonious family atmosphere and set an example for the kids. 家长需要构建和谐的家庭氛围,为孩子树立正确的行为榜样。
To a common family, A set of house is the result of lifetime hardworking. And housing property is not only related to property of ownership, but basic residency right. 对于普通家庭来说,一套房产往往凝聚着一辈子的心血,而房屋产权关系的不仅仅是财产所有权的问题,还关系到人类最基本的居住权。